Hi there. I'm TheRagingterror. By day, I'm a registered nurse in a major hospital in Portland, Oregon. By night, I'm a Twitch Partner and Warframe mad scientist with a knack for breaking the game (and many others) in hilarious ways.
It is a near universal experience to know someone that has experienced cancer, and it is nearly as common to have lost someone to this awful illness. Between losses in my own family and losses I've witnessed in my 18 years of professional experience, I have come to absolutely despise cancer for what it does to patients and their loved ones.
This will be my fourth year taking part in QTCC as part of Team Warframe. As previous years, I will spend the entirety of the month of October raising money for The Princess Margaret Cancer Center, one of the top 5 cancer research centres in the world. The centre drives ground-breaking cancer research, fuels advancements in cancer care, and shares these innovations around the world.
As in years past, I've lined up a number of amusing (and painful) incentives for this year's run. I'm also adding some special, hidden stretch goals should I top my goal of $5K raised, plus a particularly brutal one if we go over my previous single-year fundraising record ($7030). Go on... hurt me for charity. I may gripe about it in the moment, but believe me when I say this: While I may dislike certain things that happen to me this month, I hate cancer with an intensity that is FAR stronger.
Thanks for any and all support, and from the bottom of my heart: F*** CANCER.
- Rage